Like every year Delhi air pollution is back in news as the air quality has significantly deteriorated over the past few days, which is quite concerning. Like every year, this year too, Delhi’s air has become highly toxic, posing a significant threat to children and the elderly. Delhi residents are once again forced to wear masks. Every year, around October, Delhi’s air quality becomes quite poor, with several reasons, including the burning of crops in nearby states, pollution from increasing vehicular traffic, and industrial pollution.
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Air quality index
Air quality index in reached almost 500 in different parts of the capital which is highly toxic and has been consistently deteriorating over the past week due to the burning of crops in neighboring states of Haryana and Punjab before the sowing season. The pollutants from these burnt crops, along with a drop in temperature, are causing the entire environment to be covered in smog. In response, the Delhi government has temporarily closed primary schools till 10th November and imposed a ban on non-essential construction activities to protect the health of residents, especially young children.
Serious health problems
Doctors have reported an increase in respiratory issues and irritation in the eyes, and people of all ages are advised to wear masks and limit outdoor exposure during this poor air quality. Delhi air pollution can prove to be life-threatening for people with asthma. On Friday, Delhi experienced dense smog, reducing visibility on the roads, and most people were seen wearing masks.
Methods to tackle Delhi Air Pollution
Use Mask
Always use a mask when going outside, and make sure to use a high-quality face mask to prevent pollutants from entering your body through breathing in this server Delhi air pollution.
Avoid going outside
Only go outside when necessary during times of pollution. Leaving your home only when required can help you avoid unnecessary exposure to pollution. Air pollution is more severe outdoors compared to indoors, and its adverse effects are more pronounced in open air.
Air purifiers
Use an air purifier in your home. Air purifiers are very beneficial for combating the increasing air pollution in Delhi. They filter out most of the pollutants present in the air, and the air quality within a limited area or room improves significantly. There are various high-quality air purifiers available in the market at different price points that can help reduce indoor air pollution to a great extent.
Refrain from exercising outdoors
Avoid exercising outdoors, especially in open fields or parks, during times of air pollution, as exercising increases your rate of respiration, leading to a higher intake of pollutants into your respiratory system. Therefore, do exercise indoors and refrain from outdoor workouts during periods of air pollution.
Use plants
Use indoor plants during times of high pollution. These plants act as natural air purifiers when placed both inside and outside your home, improving air quality in a natural way. You can purchase various types of plants from your local market for this purpose.
Keep windows and doors closed
Keep the air inside the house clean by trying to keep windows and doors closed as much as possible. Only open them for necessary ventilation for a short period of time, so that pollutants from outside air enter the house minimally, allowing the indoor air to remain clean.
Sprinkle water
Continuously sprinkling water around your home is very helpfull to settle the fine dust present in air which keeps flying due to vehicles movement and it remains present in the climate as smog, especially if your home is nearby a road.
Government’s initiative to curb Delhi air pollution
Considering the increasing Delhi air pollution levels , the Kejriwal government has called for an emergency meeting today. In this meeting, it has been proposed to limit the total number of employees in government and private offices to 50% and encourage the rest to work from home. Additionally, there may be restrictions imposed on various other aspects, including the entry of heavy vehicles into Delhi.